Feb 26 — Haggai 1:1-15

SCRIPTURE: Haggai 1:1-15

Based on the dates, it is guessed that this took place August, 520 BC. It is after the Jews returned from the Babylonian captivity. Instead of devoting their energy to establishing God at the center (symbolized by the temple), they devote themselves to building bigger, better homes, and establishing bigger, better bank accounts (crops). But their dreams are not realized; the more they seek wealth and success, the more it eludes them. Now Haggai tells them why, because they are not devoting themselves to God first. They want the blessing of God, but not the bother of God. Haggai’s message reaches an open heart, and the Spirit inspires Zerubbabel, along with the people, to change their focus. As they devote themselves to God, God reaffirms His devotion to them (“I am with you”).

The temple was a symbolic reminder of God’s living in/with/among His people. Today the Spirit of God lives in us, we are the temples of God. Yet how often do I (we) neglect the inner temple? How devoted am I to keeping the Lord at the center of my life, or am I more devoted to seeking wealth and blessing. What was true then is true now; those who seek wealth and blessing do not seem to find it, but those who seek God first, and His kingdom, they seem to find it as well as His blessing. For me as a new covenant follower of Jesus, no longer tied to the Law of Moses, I am being called to building the spiritual temple, within my own heart (my relationship with the Lord) and with others, gathering them like living stones to build a spiritual temple. This is the mission, calling and drawing people back to God through Jesus. Am I devoted to this task?

Lord, I want to be devoted to this task. Unfortunately I feel that we are often more devoted to the church building and its programs, and the comfort of its ‘members’, than we are to the mission of the community of Christ-followers. I know I am… Amen.


  1. I am reminded once again of the acronym – Today God Is First. In my daily living, in my daily giving, all is for Jesus. The people during Haiggi’s time desired the things of the Lord yet went their own way and increased their own wealth. They desired God presence but persued only their own. They listened to their own heart/voice rather than His. me firstism. They did not really live in His presence although God was there. They did not acknowledge their God but lived unto themselves persuing their own material gain..

    How do I show that God is First Today? How am I a living letter – an epistle for Christ – so that others can see Him in me? Help me Lord in my daily living out of Your Word building Your Kingdom. May I take pleasure each and every day in the working in His service. When I am focussed on His will then I can enjoy each day in joy.

    Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord;
    Abide in Him always, and feed on His Word.
    Make friends of God’s children, help those who are weak,
    Forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek.

    Take time to be holy, be calm in thy soul,
    Each thought and each motive beneath His control.
    Thus led by His Spirit to fountains of love,
    Thou soon shalt be fitted for service above.

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