SCRIPTURE: Colossians 3:18-4:1
This is very interesting. How do you translate the life of Jesus into real life? Paul shows us how to apply the law of love in the culture of that day, which included slavery, dictatorial governments, abusive masters and parents and husbands, etc. Paul does not advocate rebellion, but a revolution of humility, submission and love. Be different from everyone else. While that society was survival of the fittest, and each one (including children, slaves and wives) were looking for ways to overcome their masters, the way of Jesus is the way of peace, patience, love, servanthood, kindness, blessing those who curse. Some might argue that this does not work, but we can also ask, does the other approach work? Has it ever worked in history? Even the attempt to implement a communist society where everyone is equal has failed. The way of Jesus, which led Him to death on the cross, is God’s way of beating evil. We are not to overcome evil with evil, but to overcome evil with good. This is the way of Jesus, the way we commit to living as Christ-followers.
I may not be a rebel, but I do have rebellious tendencies when dealing with people I dislike or feel treat me unfairly. My natural response is not ‘how can I show them the love of Jesus’ but ‘I’ll show them!’ The problem is I have never really faced a terrible or unjust situation. I’ve never really had to forgive someone a great wrong. Its academic for me, in many ways. For many people, they face these kinds of situations every day at work, and often they do not realize that they are ministry opportunities, occasions to witness to the grace and love of Jesus to those who do not deserve it. This section reminds me again that the way of Jesus is not just a ticket to heaven, but a lifestyle that seems upside-down but is really right-side-up, as far as God is concerned. This is part of the cross we must bear, enduring the way of the world in order to live the way of Jesus.
Lord, show me today how I can act and react according to this ‘backwards’ approach to life. Help me to be patient with my family, my co-workers, and those in authority over me. Help me to respond as You did, and so win them over to You and Your way! Amen.
Here Paul describes family life. Once again it is wrapped in love. Verse 23 was key for me since it stated whatever you do, work at it with all your heart . . . it is the Lord God you are serving! I am not my own but belong to Hime. Therefore all I do and say must be coloured by His love. It must be coloured through and through with the JOY principle – Jesus – Others – Yourself. When I live for Jesus this way every day I will be using my heart in His service. That’s ‘heart’ knowledge for my head.
For it’s only in Your will that I am free,
For it’s only in Your will that I am free,
Jesus, all for Jesus,
All I am and have and ever hope to be.