SCRIPTURE: Colossians 3:1-17
The new life is not about fasting, attending services, style of dress, abstaining from certain pleasures, etc., which are outward disciplines and practices. The focus is on character, values and priorities. The heavenly perspective is not disconnected from reality, but is this-world reality from a heavenly (ie God’s) point of view. From an earthly point of view, we measure people by what we see; from God’s point of view, we measure people by their heart. The things that God values are peace, purity, generosity, kindness, patience, wholesome language, humility, gentleness, honesty, forgiveness, etc. These are the things we need to focus on, with the Lord’s help. In addition we need to encourage, support and gently admonish each other. Together we reveal Jesus and His way to this world, constantly thanking and honouring Him in everything we say and do.
As I read these words in a different translation (New Living Translation), their meaning seems more plain. Most of my energy is on programs and practices, while the Lord is daily prompting me to deal with my heart. My prayers deal with my dreams, struggles, comfort and desires, while the Lord is focusing on my character, values and priorities. I am living from an earthly perspective, but this passage calls me to change my focus. What really matters? At the end of my life, what will I wish I had focused on more? If I stop and think about it, the life described here is the life I want. But rarely do I stop and think about it. I just live each day as it comes, drifting with the flow.
Lord, my focus is off track, the things that matter to me do not really matter, not from a spiritual point of view. But I struggle to make this real in the day to day details of my life. Help me to live life like You did. Amen.
We have often heard the expression Use Your Head, but Paul here describes another way, Use Your Heart. When Christ reigns in my heart then He is also Master of my Head and then I am able to do with my hands what He desires me to do.
The summary of the law is Love God and secondly Love Others. This is the glue that cements all of Life in Christ Jesus. As I live out of His love to me in sharing my love to others I must have the attitude of gratitude with altitude. Thank You Lord for Whose I am and for the strengthening powers day by day in my living for You.
Be thou my vision O Lord of my heart!
Naught be all else to me save that thou art.
Thou my best thought by day, by night,
waking or sleeping—thy presence my light.
Riches I heed not, nor empty praise.
Thou mine inheritance now and always.
Thou and thou only first in my heart.
High King of heaven, my treasure thou art.
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all!