Feb 19 — Colossians 1:1-14 

SCRIPTURE: Colossians 1:1-14

Paul is a missionary (the literal meaning of ‘apostle’, a sent one), and though he did not work among the Colossians, he is so inspired by what he hears happening among them that he writes this letter of encouragement. This section relays Paul’s joy and gratitude for their faith and love and hope. They are model believers. But Paul prays for more. His prayers reflect the heart of God, that all of us would grow in knowledge, wisdom, faith, goodness, patience and joy. Why? Because we’ve been rescued from the opposite lifestyle (ignorance, doubt, selfishness, meanness, negativity, i.e. the kingdom of darkness), we’ve been forgiven and we’ve received the Holy Spirit who makes us like Jesus.

This passage speaks to me both as a missionary (one sent by God) and as a Christ-follower. Do I pray this way for those in my sphere of influence? And do I earnestly seek these qualities myself? How serious am I about becoming like Jesus, and praying for others to do the same? There is no coasting in the faith walk, I must start living as a citizen of the kingdom to which I (by grace) belong. Do the qualities of my life reflect this new reality? Am I committed (with His help) to aiming for them? Am I making every effort… (see 2 Peter 1:3-11)?

Lord, today is a new day. I confess my weak efforts of yesterday, and I renew my commitment to following You, living like You, living as a citizen of Your kingdom. Show me how, and help me please. Amen.

One Comment

  1. The Good News is bearing fruit in the Colossian church from the time they had heard the gospel. Paul has not stopped praying for them to grow in the knowledge of His will and wisdom and understanding. The things that He gave to Daniel and his friends. Paul continues to pray for them that they live a life worthy of Christ, pleasing Him in every way so that they may have the endurance to live for Jesus and live in His Light.

    Lord help me to ptay constantly for Your people giving thanks for them and encouraging them on their Way to live for You. All too often I am self focussed. Help me to see Your Church growing in the faith and that my prayer life continues to nurture that faith growth so your Kingdom will grow all over this world. Lord, teach me how to pray.

    The saints in prayer appear as one
    In word, in deed, and mind,
    While with the Father and the Son
    Sweet fellowship they find.

    No prayer is made by man alone
    The Holy Spirit pleads,
    And Jesus, on th’eternal throne,
    For sinners intercedes.

    O Thou by Whom we come to God,
    The Life, the Truth, the Way,
    The path of prayer Thyself hast trod:
    Lord, teach us how to pray.

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