SCRIPTURE: Joshua 5:1-12
Circumcision was the symbol of their special calling as ambassadors for God bringing His blessing to the world (Genesis 12:1-2). While in Egypt they had been uncircumcised, and were not living as God called them. This ceremony renews their special calling and purpose. The Passover represents God’s care and protection as they seek and serve Him, and the this is demonstrated in the ceasing of the manna and eating the fruit of the Promised Land.
God has called me, and I am to be set apart for Him, for His purpose. This is not so much a privilege as a responsibility, one that affects how I live. He will be with me, to guide, protect and provide for me, as long as I serve Him. I am not circumcised, but I am baptized, which represents my new identity and calling.
The question is, am I living like an ambassador for the King? Do I speak about Him? do people know I follow Him? can they see it in my actions? are my priorities different? am I more interested in enjoying God’s blessings than in sharing them?
Lord, I know that Israel often forgot about their unique purpose, and became comfortable in the land, enjoying the blessings while neglecting their calling. I sense myself falling into the same trap. Fill mw, Holy Spirit, with a passion for living for Jesus! Amen.
When the Israelites had crossed the Jordan, the peoples of the land did not want to face the children of God. Upon hearing the praise worthy deeds of the Lord, they retreated. It did not say that they turned their hearts toward God. May all who see and hear of God’s power and mighty become part of His family.
Since the nations retreated by God’s hand, Israel could once again be rededicated to the Lord God. They had seen His mighty acts in the desert, they recognized His faithfulness and built a memorial and now they were circumcised – to be set apart for His service. God provided and they ate the fruit of the land.
As part of God’s family, how am I separate from the people of the world? As the nations could see the Israelites advancing, may others see God in me as I live for Jesus in what I say and do. As His people were rededicated to the Lord, it is my prayer that God uses me His purpose to fulfill and keeps me in the palm of His hand. As the people celebrated Passover, may I too, Lord experience Your protection. Be my Deliverer.
He leadeth me, He leadeth me,
By His own hand He leadeth me;
His faithful follower I would be,
For by His hand He leadeth me.