Jan 3 — Revelation 13:1b-10

SCRIPTURE: Revelation 13:1b-10

1. The dragon symbolizes Satan, the beast seems to symbolize a government with multiple leaders (heads) that holds the whole world under its grip. An example of this kind of government would be the Roman Empire, but there have been other examples through history.
2. This government is characterized by its defiant opposition to God and to Christ-followers. It succeeds in persecuting and defeating them, and everyone else is OK with that. Again, Rome is a good example of this until Constantine legalized Christianity in the 4th century.
3. During this time, God’s people need to have patience and faith, to endure through the suffering until the end. Interestingly, this persecution did not crush the movement, it spread it like wildfire. The more they were persecuted, the more they multiplied! This same thing has happened elsewhere, including in modern China, where the church has expanded into the millions despite persecution.

1. We cannot even imagine facing this kind of persecution. John wrote this around AD 90, and the persecution went on for 2 more centuries.
2. The symbolism is specific and generic. It applies to the Roman government, but the vision also shows the general pattern that Christ’s followers can expect. Which means that we could see this same thing happening to us. And many Christians elsewhere in the world are actually going through this right now.
3. Do I believe strong enough to hang on through this kind of persecution.

Lord, thank You for the reminder that no matter what happens, even something as terrible as severe persecution, You are still in control and we will ultimately triumph in and with You. Help us to focus on Your power! Amen.

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