Dec 29 — Joshua 3:1-17

SCRIPTURE: Joshua 3:1-17

1. The ark of the covenant represents God’s presence among them, leading them to fulfill His purpose for them. They are to follow it, but to maintain a reverent distance from it. In the surrounding religions it was customary to perform ritualistic and orgiastic actions around sacred relics, to “move” their gods to action. The ark is not to be treated this way.
2. The path through the Jordan is God’s way of confirming that Joshua is carrying on from Moses (who also led them through the water).
3. As soon as the feet of the priests touch the waters, they stop. This was a natural miracle, that is, God uses the collapse of the cliffs near Adam to block the flow of the Jordan (it likely happened more often), at just the time when the priests touch the water with their feet. It is no less miraculous if it is a natural occurence.
4. The priests had to step into the floodwaters before they stopped. In other words, they had to take the risk and step forward even before God performed His miracle, in order to see the miracle. This continues to be the case, if we want to see God act miraculously, we need to step into risky situations (for good, godly purposes) and trust that He will work.
5. The visual impact of the ark at the center of the riverbed, and the people passing around it, impressed the point that God was at the center of their journey, their success, their purpose.

1. Do I fail to see God’s miraculous power at work because I hesitate to step into risky situations by faith? Is my fear hindering my faith, and my seeing the fruit of that faith?
2. Is the Lord at the center of my day-to-day journey? Do I step into the day with the Lord at the center, and my folloiwing Him in a healthy, reverent way? Do I take Him for granted? Do I step into the floodwaters of each day in my own strength and confidence to handle whatever comes? Do I feel overwhelmed by life when I go it alone?
3. When I have stepped into scary situations (I think of the demon situation I recently stepped into, totally uncertain and out of my ‘league’), God has shown up in amazing, miraculous ways. If I think about it, I realize that the only one who has to gain by my NOT stepping forward in faith is Satan, and he is succeeding in holding me back, making me focus on the fears, what might go wrong, how impossible the situation is.
4. If I am going to follow Jesus into TODAY, I need to consciously, intentionally place Him front and center. I am going into the world with Him, for Him, and He will lead me into situations that will be a part of the unfolding of His mission, His purpose. Do I believe this? Will I follow?

Lord, help me to not enter the Jordan today by myself, but to consciously, intentionally place You front and center. Help me to see that TODAY is another day in fulfilling my mission from You, for You. Grant me boldness and courage and faith! Amen.

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