SCRIPTURE: Acts 13:44-52
Paul generated a lot of interest in Antioch, from both Jews and Gentiles (non-Jews).
It was jealousy that led the Jews to reject the message, as if it were a competition.
Paul spoke first to the Jews, since they were the ones God promised to work through, to be a light for the Gentiles.
Those “appointed for eternal life” were the ones who believed, i.e. the ones that God pre-arranged to believe at that time, for the ‘church’ to begin.
They not only believed, they spread the message through the whole region.
Shaking the dust (Matthew 10:14) was a symbol of moving on, of leaving people in their misery (dust), refusing to accept even the dust from their town.
Despite the rejection of the Jews, they were filled with joy by the Spirit because so many non-Jews accepted the message and were committed to spreading it.
This story reveals that religious conflict (in and out of the church) are less about the search for truth and more about self-interest and emotions.
The purpose of the ‘church’ (here the Jews) has always been to bless the nations (be a light to the Gentiles); when they refuse, then God moves on to the Gentiles and calls them to be the messengers.
I am challenged again that the mission is more important than my being liked, accepted by my peers, that sharing the message to whatever audience is open to it is still top priority.
This is why I am excited about what is happening in ALPHA, where non-Christians are responding with joy and faith to the very message that many Christians are remaining cool or indifferent to.
Lord, help me not to worry as much about whether people like or accept me, help me to be a dedicated missionary for You and Your cause of knowing and showing Your love to all those around me. Amen.