SCRIPTURE: Genesis 9:1-17
God again renews the creation mandate (first given to Adam and Eve, Genesis 1:28).
This time God offers the animals for food, whereas in the beginning it was just the plants (Genesis 1:28-30). We were created to be vegetarians?
This is where Jehovah’s Witnesses develop their opposition to blood transfusions, since it is like eating “life-blood”.
God explains why murder is wrong, because every person is made in the image of God (this is also why slander is wrong, James 3:9-10).
A covenant is an agreement (or contract) between two parties, sometimes made between equals but also (as in this case) imposed on a lesser party.
God offers the rainbow as a sign (like a wedding ring) of His commitment to never again wipe clean the whole creation. It is a sign both for God and for people.
God is gracious (providing meat for food) yet still very serious that life (represented by “life-blood”) is sacred.
We still are called by God to represent and work with Him in this world, despite our sinfulness. We are still called to be stewards (caretakers) of His creation.
Whenever I see a rainbow (or any other sign that encourages me that God is real, that God is working), I am encouraged. I personally call these “signs” rainbows from God, reminders of His commitment, grace and patience to me.
When God makes a promise, He will keep it!
There are times when I wish God would wipe the world clean. It is awful how bad things get in the world, and it is mind-boggling that God endure it.
Lord, thank You for Your patience, as well as for Your rescue plan, that I know I can be forgiven and can live eternally with You in Your creation. Help me to live each day as Your steward! Amen.
In this passage I see the Great Mandate renewed. It is God’s doing, not ours. The seal of the covenant is also God at work, not me. This was a new beginning for mankind. Each day God gives me a new beginning in Jesus Christ because I am washed clean by His blood. Each time I see His rainbow I am reminded that I am standing on His promises. Not only am I reminded of God’s faithfulness, but also of my thankfulness of all the things He has done for me.
Thank You Lord for the signs in my life that help my stay close to You.