SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 31:1-20
This passage (v.15) is quoted by Matthew (Matthew 2:17-18) in regards to the good news for ‘Rachel’ weeping. Jesus is God’s answer to the weeping of God’s people.
God is promising to step in and restore blessing, joy, prosperity, celebration, as well as the loved ones (children) lost in the crisis.
God reaffirms His deep love for His people (v.3). There is a parallel here with Hosea 11:1-10 where God also declares His love for His people (Ephraim) and calls them His “son”. What is interesing is that this is the other quote Matthew uses in regards to Jesus birth (Matthew 2:15).
We need to think of Israel’s sin as really bad, of God’s patience as really long, the punishment as really deserved, and the restoration as really amazing! God did not willingly let His people suffer; Yes, He scattered them as punishment but He will gather them and be a Good Shepherd over them (v.10, John 10:1-18).
Nothing that happens is by chance, without a reason and a purpose. God allows us to experience the suffering of sin, but He also directs that suffering toward His desired goal of restoring all things, and His children to Himself.
God really does love me, He is working to bring me into His eternal happiness and joy.
I need to interpret my life in terms of God’s big picture plan and purpose to restore the world.
Just as Jeremiah speaks these words of restoration to a grieving nation, I need to bring a similar message: God will restore your children, your health, your mind, your eyesight, your peace and prosperity, etc.
Lord, help me to see my life in terms of Your loving purpose for me and everyone. Help me to remind myself again and again of you “everlasting love”, especially when I am going through the valley of the shadow of death, weeping because of the misery of grief in this world. Help me to encourage others to trust God, no matter how things may appear. Amen.