What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them ?” (Luke 9:54)
James and John were called the sons of thunder (Mark 3:17), and here we see why.
They seemed to have a thirst for power, and for using it (Mark 10:35f).
They were followers of Jesus, yet they did not know the Spirit of Jesus.
Sadly through history the church has been a lot like James and John.
As the church came into power, it used that power to crush their opponents.
This is not unique to the church, it is seen in all humans.
But one would think that being with Jesus would change that.
In fact, this is what should happen, and the whole purpose of Jesus.
Our hearts should be on fire, but not the fire of anger, greed, lust, etc.
Jesus did not come to strike down our enemies, but to crush the enemy in us.
It is our own drive for self, greed, power, revenge, etc. that must die.
Jesus is challenging us to look within at our own impulses and desires.
Does my heart reflect the Jesus Way – of love, joy, peace, grace, mercy?
Am I led more by greed or generosity, lust or love, anger or mercy?
Lord, you rebuke me in love, to expose my selfish impulses and ignite your loving impulses. Set my heart on fire with your love!!
As I child I remember being denied entry once – that I was not allowed in – I felt rejected. The reasons were good – but as a 4 year old, I didn’t understand. The Samaritan village “did not welcome him” because Jesus was going on to Jerusalem. Whatever the reason, we must not deny Jesus entry – that is fatal. Lord, may I always welcome your presence – the presence of your spirit. Do we as God’s people welcome Jesus – or do we put Him off? Do my actions put off people who think I am a follower of Jesus, a Christian, but what they see is very unwelcoming and uncaring?
His will be done. The Samaritans did not receive Him and He went another way. All too often it needs to be my way or the highway. But His grace was shown and I need to do the same, show the Light of Christ and His grace to those around me, being an instrument of His peace.
1 Grace and truth shall mark the way
Where the Lord His own will lead,
If His word they still obey
And His testimonies heed.
2 For Thy Name’s sake hear Thou me,
For Thy mercy, Lord, I wait;
Pardon my iniquity,
For my sin is very great.
3 He who walks in godly fear
In the path of truth shall go;
Peace shall be his portion here,
And his sons all good shall know.
4 They that fear and love the Lord
Shall Jehovah’s friendship know;
He will grace to them accord,
And His faithful covenant show.
I am thinking of the men on the Road to Emmaus. The words, experience and encounter of the living Christ causes their hearts to burn within them and then they invite him into their homes to share a meal and finally recognize Him. I wonder if the fire inside the heart makes space for the change? I need to let the words and encounters with Jesus change me from within rather than trying to use the fire of power and anger to protect me from outside, this is my prayer.