God’s growing family

Then Naomi took the child, laid him in her lap and cared for him. The women living there said, “Naomi has a son.” And they named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse, the father of David. [Ruth 4:16-17] Ruth is a love story within a love story. On the surface we see how things unfold for Ruth, with Boaz and her mother-in-law, and how for them, and for Israel, the story moves from emptiness (famine) to fullness (blessing). It’s a happy ending. But deeper than this is the love of God, as He works with His stubborn, wayward people, trying to get them back on track so that He can restore His world through His Son, the promised Messiah.

Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab, Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth, Obed the father of Jesse, and Jesse the father of King David. David was the father of Solomon, whose mother had been Uriah’s wife… [Matthew 1:5-6] Matthew shows us this love story, in the family tree of Jesus. Including Rahab (a foreign prostitute), Ruth (a foreign widow) and Bathsheba (Uriah’s wife, whom David seduced, then killed her husband), shows God’s amazing grace and sovereign purpose. His people are not easy to work with, but He will send His Messiah, one way or another. Even if it is through sinners and outsiders.

We probably do not understand or appreciate the cultural details of this story. At that time, a widow was helpless, so the dead husband’s brother was to provide her with support by marrying her, giving her children to keep the family property in the family. This brother (or closest relative) was called a kinsman redeemer, because he redeemed (rescued) her from poverty and misery. We can see a glimpse of Jesus in this, our kinsman redeemer who joins Himself to us, to rescue us from poverty and misery.

We are Naomi, we are Mara, we are empty, we are bitter; we are stubborn, we are wayward… but God does not give up. He works through us, and despite us, to bring His Messiah into the world. Now He also uses us to bring Jesus to others. One way or another, He will get the message out. Better for us if we work with Him, rather than against Him. When we work with Him, we experience increasing fullness and blessing. We become a part of His mission to restore His world and rescue His people. Working with Him, we too will receive spiritual children, those who come to know God’s love through us. We will rejoice in God’s growing family!

Lord, thank You for inviting me to join You in redeeming people for You. May I be faithful like Ruth, like Boaz. May I experience Naomi’s joy at seeing the blessing of spiritual children.

One Comment

  1. The family had left the land because of the famine. The good times have returned to the land. The people have also returned living in the presence of God. Boaz is like a Judge in Israel leading the people by his righteous example. As Ruth sought direction from Him, placing herself totally in His care, so I too, must place myself totally in the care of my Redeemer King – Jesus Christ. Lord, what do you want me to do? I too need to wait patiently upon the Lord.

    There are those in Christ, who know the way, but if the way interferes with their livelihood, their income, their material wealth, their vision becomes clouded and they leave His Way and go their our selfish way as was seen by the kinsman. Help me daily Lord to keep my eyes upon Jesus.

    Once again we see God at work using a Gentile woman to accomplish the salvation of the world. What a Saviour! What a Lord!

    Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength
    Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength

    They will mount up with wings like eagles
    mount up with wings like eagles
    mount up with wings like eagles
    They shall renew their strength

    2 … they will run and not get tired…

    3 … they will walk and not become weary…

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