Finally a good king!!!

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: 2 Chronicles 21-22

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“He promised to maintain a lamp for his descendants forever.” (2 Chronicles 21:7)
This book is like a spiritual soap opera, with multiple plot twists and turns.
But two lines of thought continue through the plot.
God’s people keep messing up, and God hangs in there, despite their betrayal.
For God is determined to stay true to David: to keep his throne alive forever!
Jesus is David’s heir, but be breaks the cycle of sin and death.
He shines out as more than a lamp, he is a light to the world.
He models God-like love and leadership, he is an ‘Adam’ after God’s own heart.
Satan tricks and trips up every other son of David, but not this one.
Jesus refuses Satan’s lies, stays true to God to the bitter end, and overcomes.
Jesus, son of David, Abraham, and Adam, is on the throne again (Luke 3:23-38).
Despite the ongoing soap opera of human unfaithfulness, the light still shines!
Like Jehoida, we stand with the true king against the evil ruler (Satan).
We join with Jesus in refusing Satan and choosing to live with, like and for God!
No matter what happens, I am confident our world is secure, because Jesus on the throne!
Lord, you are our only hope in this dark, messed up world. I pledge myself to you as Saviour and Lord. I stand against the evil in our world and declare, ‘Love live Jesus the king!’


  1. ‘You have not followed the ways of your father Jehoshaphat or of Asa” – Faith of our Fathers – did not follow-through to the sons – and so things went from bad to worse for Judah and Israel alike. Yes, my parents were believers and through them I learned about Jesus. I’m thankful. I pray the same for all my children and grand children – but I know faith is not passed on – they too must find Jesus! That is my prayer for each of them. The ways of the ‘world’ of the senses are enticing – but really they have their end. Lord help me to encourage when I can – HS work in the hearts of my offspring and theirs!

  2. As the king goes, so go the people. Even today the people sheepishly follow the rule of the rulers who depend on their own insights and not God’s. The people need to walk in the Lord’s light for it shines the truth. God keeps His promises and I need to stay true to His Word for that Word gives Life. As Joshua proclaimed so I too will serve the living God and go forward in His name in times like these.

    Standing on the promises of Christ my King,
    Through eternal ages let His praises ring,
    Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing,
    Standing on the promises of God.
    Standing, standing,
    Standing on the promises of God my Savior;
    Standing, standing,
    I’m standing on the promises of God.
    Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
    When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
    By the living Word of God I shall prevail,
    Standing on the promises of God.
    Standing on the promises I now can see
    Perfect, present cleansing in the blood for me;
    Standing in the liberty where Christ makes free,
    Standing on the promises of God.
    Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord,
    Bound to Him eternally by love’s strong cord,
    Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword,
    Standing on the promises of God.
    Standing on the promises I shall not fall,
    List’ning every moment to the Spirit’s call.
    Resting in my Savior as my All in all,
    Standing on the promises of God.

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