it comes down to love

Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything–all she had to live on.” [Mark 12:43-44] What does God desire from me, from us? Do we think that God is interested in our religious activity or orthodoxy? This passage shows how God’s people often miss the boat of what God wants – the parable of the tenants, the religious leaders attempting to defeat and kill Jesus, the kinds of religious offerings that Jesus observed in the temple. God wants a loving relationship with us as His children, not a religious duty. God wants us to love each other, not to judge and criticize each other.

The religious leaders loved to be right. They prided themselves on getting their religious correct, their offerings were impressive, their observance of religious rituals was flawless. God ought to be impressed! But He is not. There are two things He desires from us, more than religious activity, He desires that we love Him with our whole being, and that we love people. This is the measure by which He will review our lives.

This just makes sense. What does a husband or wife desire from their spouse – love or duty? Both love and duty will express themselves towards the partner, but love is better than duty. There is no joy in heartless, dutiful obedience. In fact, its only a matter of time before it becomes evident that the empty actions are masking a disregard, even a hatred.

For all their intense religious activity and orthodoxy, the religious leaders did not love God or people. They dutifully obeyed Him, they hoped to impress and appease Him, but it was not love for God. And also not for people. As they show here with Jesus, they were competing with Him, and with people, using them to prop themselves up, judging or criticizing them to make themselves look better.

At the end of the day, the simple devotion of the widow and her few pennies stirs God’s heart more than all the ostentatious activities and duties. God is delighted when we do what we do because we love Him and we love people. That love will express itself in ways that bless God and others. Question, do I really love my neighbour? Do I really love God? Am I trying hard to get my religion right, or to show my love for God and people?

Lord, ignite this kind of love in my heart, for You and for people, the kind of love that warms Your heart and blesses others!

One Comment

  1. Love God. Love man.

    God must be first in all my activities from day to day. God is first in my daily work. God is first in my marriage. God is first as I deal with parents. God must be first in my vision in my daily mission. I need to have my biblical glasses on so that I see clearly now.

    And as I deal with staff and parents and wife, in all my relationships – God must be first. As far as it depends upon me. I will live at peace with all mankind. Not my will but Your will be done Oh Lord my God. I am working in His vineyard and I need to be a responsible tenant and give what is required of me – show my love and allegience to my Creator King. He must be first. He must drive my everything – my way of living for Jesus.

    You are my strength when I am weak
    You are the treasure that I seek
    You are my all in all

    Seeking you as a precious jewel
    Lord to give up, I’d be a fool
    You are my all in all

    Jesus Lamb of God, worthy is Your name
    Jesus Lamb of God, worthy is Your name

    Taking my sin my cross, my shame
    Rising again, I bless Your name
    You are my all in all

    When I fall down, You pick me up
    When I am dry, You fill my cup
    You are my all in all

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