preaching on Mark 10

This coming Sunday (Sep 6) I am speaking on Mark 10. Please read it and suggest what part to focus on. Its a big chapter, with lots of sections. Divorce? Little children? Rich young ruler? Jesus dying? Leading by serving? Healing the blind man?

If you were to pick out one lesson from this passage, one that really speaks to your heart, what would it be? I really appreciate your feedback, it helps me see and experience things that I miss!


  1. Mark 10:48Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

    Do we hinder people from asking God for help? I hope that I don’t.

    People have hindered me… they have told me that I have to try harder, that I have to believe enough… when really I should have been encouraged to trust God and that He would help me.
    Others have told me that God doesn’t heal people now, that was then in the beginning, now is different. God has and is healing me and it is amazing and I am thankful.
    I remember wanting to throw hymn books off the church balcony in order to get attention! to say where is this God you all talk about… I need help! (I had asked for help in the normal ways and not got it.)
    I am so glad that Bartimaeus kept yelling….
    We have to keep seeking God for the help we need… He might not heal everything but then He makes it possible for us to have a good life inspite of the thing that is a problem

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