talking with Jesus about Judges 18

surrender to JesusYou diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life. [John 5:39-40]
As I go through the book of Judges, it becomes more evident to me that I can’t understand its message without Jesus.
I read to the end of the book this morning, and these last chapters are going to be tough – in fact I feel the need to add a CONTENT ADVISORY on my reflections.
I can appreciate that people just reading these chapters alone would be turned off by the bible.
This is why I keep trying to draw our attention to Jesus, I figure that He is the only way we can make sense of the rest of the bible.

Today we (the Lord and I) are wrestling through Judges 18 together.
Its obvious from the first line [In those days Israel had no king, Judges 18:1] that this chapter continues what was talked about in the previous chapter [In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit, Judges 17:6].
The thought that keeps coming back to me is that I am not free to live as I see fit.
If I am to be a Jesus-follower, if I am to surrender to Jesus as my Lord, then I must submit my will to Him and do as He sees fit.
This is not a negative thing!
This is the best thing, the good news, the life that results in joy and blessing.
My way leads to misery and death, His way leads to life and peace [Romans 8:6].

What else is the Lord saying to me in this passage?

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