surrender to the King!

SCRIPTURE: Judges 21
In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit. [Judges 21:25] This is in a nutshell what is wrong with our world. We’ve rejected God as King of this world, and we now do as we see fit. And the world as we see it today, and as it was in the days of the Judges, is the result. Even Israel, God’s chosen people intended to be a light to the world, follow immoral and corrupt practices. This whole chapter stinks, and the extended story it is a part of, stinks. The way women are treated is disgusting. Not the way God made it to be!!!!

From that time on Jesus began to preach, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.’ [Matthew 4:17] If the bad news is the rejection of God as King and the sinful behaviour that results, then the good news is the announcement that the King is restoring His kingdom through Jesus, and people who repent (change their minds, their behaviours) can regain life and hope and joy and peace. Jesus – God the King in the flesh – comes to restore God’s kingdom, and to make it possible for us to enjoy life as it was meant to be.

The kingdom message is about more than going to heaven. The kingdom message is about God’s world being fixed – which includes the way women and children are treated, justice for the weak, concern for the environment, the end of inequality, abuse, war, sexual perversity, deception, crime, political, legal and moral corruption. These are the things we need to repent from, these are the things we need to be saved from. These are the things that will not find a place in God’s kingdom.

Being a Christian is not just about saying a prayer to get into heave. It is about recognizing God as King, surrendering to His appointed Messiah, and changing our practices with His help – doing as He sees fit! If I am not treating people differently, if I am still cheating and lying and stealing and lusting, if I am still feeding my sinful behaviours while claiming to follow God, then I am no different than the Israelites in this chapter – claiming God’s blessing while continuing ungodly practices.

The claim that Jesus is Lord (or King) means nothing at all, unless it is accompanied by the corresponding change in attitude and behaviour. This is the only way it can be good news, for us and for the world.

Lord, change my heart, and make me willing to be changed!

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