
The Israelites said to Gideon, ‘Rule over us–you, your son and your grandson–because you have saved us out of the hand of Midian.’ But Gideon told them, ‘I will not rule over you, nor will my son rule over you. The LORD will rule over you.’ [Judges 8:22-23] Our tendency is to reject God and to rely on others. We put our confidence in the government, police, judges and law-makers, teachers, counsellors, doctors. When they disappoint us, we switch allegiance. And when disillusioned, we reject everyone, and God, and trust only ourselves. Gideon’s point here is that there is really only one that we should ultimately put our confidence in. Leadership is a good thing, a gift, but only when the leaders themselves are in submission to God.

But you are not to be called `Rabbi,’ for you have only one Master and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth `father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor are you to be called `teacher,’ for you have one Teacher, the Christ. [Matthew 23:8-10] Jesus notes that the religious leaders were more interested in their own position than in God’s. Are we any different? Do we not elevate those with titles, positions or power, and treat them as different, better?

How is it that pastors have taken titles like Reverend, or even worse, in my own tradition, dominie (from the Latin, meaning ‘lord’). We insist on titles, supposedly out of respect, when even the first apostles only called themselves by their first names. Will our lockers in heaven have labels like Paul and Peter and Pastor Norm and Reverend Bill M.Div, B.A., ThM. As elders we are appointed to direct the affairs of the church under Jesus. But we should not claim special status. We are all brothers and sisters. I have no problem with people calling me Norm. We respect one another as children of God, brothers and sisters in the Lord. No matter what position we have from God, it is one that deserves respect. So if we’re going to use titles, then use them for everyone. I think its better to stick with first names.

As Gideon discovered, it doesn’t take long for people to start worshipping their special people and places and things [Judges 8:27]. In addition, its only a matter of time before they turn on you [Judges 8:35].

It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes. [Psalm 118:9]

Lord, You are the only Reverend, the only Lord. I am not a master of divinity, I need to be mastered by Divinity. Remind me of my proper place under You, and among my brothers and sisters.

One Comment

  1. Gideon recognozed God’s rule over Him and that in His power , he was more than a conqueror. How quickly we forget. gideon built a gold ephod and the people started to worship it instead of the living God. The land did have peace for 40 years, but when a righteous leader dies, the people did what was right in their own eyes and forgot God’s stories of His faithfukness. They lived unto themselves.

    How quickly I forget all what you have done for me, Lord. I need to see/realize Your Providence in my life each day. Today and all my todays, I will serve the living God. Help me on my Way, Lord.

    Precious Lord, take my hand.
    Lead me on, let me stand.
    I am tired, I am weak, and worn.
    Through the storm, through the night,
    Lead me on to the light.
    Take my hand, precious Lord,
    Lead me home.

    When my way grows drear,
    Precious Lord, lead me near,
    When my life is almost gone.
    Hear my cry, hear my call.
    Hold my hand, lest I fall.
    Take my hand, precious Lord,
    Lead me home.

    When the darkness appears
    And the night draws near,
    And the day is past and gone,
    At the river I stand.
    Guide my feet, hold my hand,
    Take my hand, precious Lord,
    Lead me home.

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