the universe declares

O LORD, when you went out from Seir, when you marched from the land of Edom, the earth shook, the heavens poured, the clouds poured down water. The mountains quaked before the LORD, the One of Sinai, before the LORD, the God of Israel. [Judges 5:4-5] I love the perspective in this song. Deborah interprets the specific war scene in its cosmic context. This was not just a bloody day, it was God’s day. God was at work behind the scenes, causing the very creation to work for His purpose in defeating Sisera and his army. If only we could interpret the times with the same faith.

The seventy-two returned with joy and said, ‘Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.’ He replied, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.’ [Luke 10:17-18] After the disciples return celebrating the success of their first mission, Jesus interprets this in its cosmic context. This is not just a god day at work, this is a God moment. God is at work behind the scenes defeating Satan and restoring good.

What about our day to day experiences. What about the top news stories of our day, both the good news and the bad news. Can we believe, or will we choose to see, that God is at work behind the scenes, accomplishing His purpose, establishing His kingdom. Though we may not always know exactly how God is at work in something, we do know He is at work. Whatever happens, God is moving, He is defeating Satan, He is restoring His world.

In this light, nothing is ordinary. Every day at school or work, every local or global event, the rise or fall of political leaders, the success or failure of the economy or our investments – its all a part of the Plan. Though we should be careful in attributing specific events as specific judgments (like 911 was God’s judgment on America), we can say with confidence that God was at work behind the scenes through what happened in 911 to shake up the whole world, to get us all to see our need for Him.

All of history can be read through the lens of what God is up to. Like Deborah, we can sing songs that declare that Our God Reigns! and The universe declares Your majesty! and Mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of Your name! Like Tony, every daily reading can lead us to sing a hymn or song that declares the glory and goodness of God!

Lord, “mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of Your name”, and I will join them!

One Comment

  1. God is God and He is always there. His people, we/I need to walk with Him always, but many a time we/I walk by ourselves/myself. Self-reliant. Not GodStrong. Not carrying out the word of the Lord in conquering the land. Not standing up for Jesus.

    Yet God always raises people for His cause such as Deborah to keep His people on track and bring them back to carry out His Word. God not only uses the strong and the mighty but also those who are considered small, powerless – to carry out His Word. God uses His people throughout time to show His people His faithfulness, His power, His majesty, His Story, His presence that we like Deborah also need to break out into a song in praise of the mighty God we serve. God is there all the time. Do I see His presence, His workings all the time. Seek Him. Be a SonSeeker this day and praise Him.

    Our Father’s wondrous works we see
    In the earth and sea and sky;
    He rules o’er all in majesty,
    From His royal throne on high.

    What a mighty God we serve!
    What a mighty God we serve!
    Reigning now above, on His throne of love,
    What a mighty God we serve!

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