Hope despite failure

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 26:69-75

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken…” (Matthew 26:74)
Boastful Peter – who claimed he would never deny Jesus – curses himself if he is lying.
Ouch, can you imagine if God held him to his words, and actually cursed him for his lie?
Can you imagine if God actually took us at our promise to love and serve Jesus?
Peter remembers Jesus’s words and is broken with grief.
Jesus was not condemning Peter, but acknowledging his weakness and need for Him.
He also promised to pray for Peter that he would live to see a new day (Luke 22:31-32).
Even His words to Judas were grace filled, “Friend, do what you came to do.” (Matthew 26:50)
To the very end, Jesus is gracious and offers forgiveness and hope for those who fail Him.
I am not one to judge Peter… in fact Peter inspires me with hope.
If Jesus can use Peter’s weak faith to build His church (Matthew 16:16-18), He can use me.
Jesus knows my weakness, He does not reject me even though He knows I will reject Him.
Many times I have professed my faith, and many times I have gone against my faith.
I am no longer boastful in my faith, painfully aware how weak my professions are.
I remember Jesus’ words, and though I weep for my weakness, I am hopeful in His grace.
Lord, You know me. You hear my boasting, and You know my stumbling. Yet I am still Your friend. May my lapses bring me conviction with hope, confident that You will restore me again.


  1. Reflecting on my own life, I know that many times I shy away from speaking my faith, similar to Peter, this a denial.
    Only through the work of the Holy Spirit in my life might I have the boldness and be given the right words to speak the truth.

  2. Peter’s cover is ‘blown’ – and he is under threat – will he be arrested too? He fears the worst. Don’t know how often that I feared the worst in a situation. Like Peter I wanted to remain in-discrete – as a Christian in a hostile setting – not speaking up but staying on the sidelines – people swearing – using Jesus’ name – do I say something? In many ways I’ve stepped back – hid my faith by not expressing it. I am ashamed like Peter. Help me to walk more and more in faith – empowered by Jesus!

  3. Each day anew I start with the Lord. That is the only starting place for by myself, in my own power, I am weak, but He is strong. I stumble and fail in my living for Jesus and yet by His grace He creates new beginnings. I need You every hour.

    1 In doubt and temptation I rest, Lord, in thee;
    my hand is in thy hand, thou carest for me;
    my soul with thy counsel through life thou wilt guide,
    and afterward make me in glory abide.

    My God, I will extol thee
    and ever bless thy name;
    each day will I give thanks to thee
    and all thy praise proclaim.

    2 In glory thou only my portion shalt be,
    on earth for none other I long but for thee;
    my flesh and heart falter, but God is my stay,
    the strength of my spirit, my portion for aye. [Refrain]

    3 All they that forsake thee must perish and die,
    but near to my Savior most blessed am I;
    I make thee my refuge, my Lord and my God;
    thy grace and thy glory I publish abroad. [Refrain]

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