Today is DAY 9 (May 11).
When Jesus calls us to come, He is preparing us to go.
He calls us from our little lives (small town Chorazin), and gives us a kingdom calling.
We do not just follow Jesus for our own salvation, for God and the world too.
He equips us to be like Him, to even walk on water (take on the impossible).
Do I passionately want to be like Jesus, and to do what He did?
Our world seems closed to God (Scythopolis), a mighty city impervious to us.
How can our humble faith in Jesus challenge the power and technology of our world?
But this is how God works; He takes nobodies and makes them somebodies!
Are we more impressed by what people do, than by what God can do?
Our humble faith, hope and love is a powerful thing, it can change the world.
But it is not up to us, we just need to step out of the boat (comfort zone).
We don’t need to win or convert the world, we just need to show Jesus to the world.
The Spirit will do the rest, as He has done throughout history.
If we live and love like Jesus, we will impact the world like Jesus!
But do I want to live and love like this; do I want to follow Jesus like this?
Am I willing to step out of the boat, onto the impossible?
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To become like Jesus – more and more – in the context of the ‘world’ that I live in – with technology, global travel, pluralism, open sexuality etc. I think I grew up checking out all the alternatives and may have been enticed by them – success, promotion, money – but ultimately I found only one constant that is enduring and is the cornerstone – that is Jesus. Now I wrestle with compromise -when am I putting security in the things and ways of this world – my good life in Canada? I do want to be like Jesus and go in his name!