Step of faith


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“As soon as their feet touched the water’s edge, the water stopped flowing.” (Joshua 3:15-16)
In this chapter the Lord helps His people through an impossible barrier.
This is not the only barrier they are facing (or have faced), but one of many.
Notice how the Lord (symbolized by the ark) goes into the river before the people.
But notice also His partners (the priests) have to step into the flooding river.
The Lord has stepped into the flood of this world in Jesus.
Jesus calls us as His partners, and asks us to step into the flood with Him.
He has overcome the serpent and the curse, and made a way for us.
But there are more barriers we must pass, and He asks us to step out with Him.
The Jordan for me is every fear or threat stands before me, and that holds me back.
I need to take a step of faith (make the call or visit, say the prayer, extend the grace).
As I do, though I feel inadequate and unable, the Lord will step with me and do something.
Faith is trusting that the Lord will work through us, when we work through Him.
We don’t know what the Lord will do, but we do know He will do something.
He has promised to get us to the other side, but we need to take a step of faith!
Lord, unless we take the step of faith, we will not see the floods stopped. Help me not to let fear hold me back. Help me to step into the unknown, trusting that You will step with me, and do more than I could ask or imagine.


  1. The water, the parting of the river when the Levite’s feet bearing the ark of the covenant, the memorial stones set up at Gilgal – all object lessons of God’s presence among his people. What signs do we have today? I think of moments in prayer, in nature, in song, in scripture reading, in the blessing of people – the Holy Spirit’s nudging – the testimony of lives of people who die in-the-Lord. They bear witness to God’s presence! Help me to continue to trust and move forward and help me deal with my anxiety – trusting that Jesus will part the waters!

  2. Memory stones.
    See what the Lord God has done for me. He is faithful. He is always there, leading and guiding in the way. And I need to share that story also with my children telling them of God’s faithfulness. And I still see His faithfulness in times like these.

    Verse 1
    I am weak and I need Thy strength and power,
    To help me over my weakest hour.
    Let me through the darkness Thy face to see,
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

    Lead me, guide me along the way,
    For if you lead me I cannot stray.
    Lord, let me walk each day with Thee.
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

    Verse 2
    Help me tread in the paths of righteousness.
    Be my aid when Satan and sin oppress.
    I am putting all my trust in Thee:
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

    Verse 3
    I am lost if you take your hand from me,
    I am blind without Thy light to see.
    Lord just always let me thy servant be,
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

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