A life that God can bless!

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Deuteronomy.26-28

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The Lord will make you the head, not the tail.” (Deuteronomy 28:13)
These chapters outline the consequences of obedience and sin.
If Adam and Eve had not sinned, they would have remained ‘the head’.
They were appointed rulers over the animals, yet an animal dethroned them.
And the result is we have become like ‘the tail’, at the bottom of life.
As harsh as these curses seem, they do accurately show what happens without God.
God is good, and He can only bless goodness; He cannot bless evil.
For the Israelites, these laws represented a step closer towards God’s goodness.
If they commit to obeying, He commits to blessing (even though there is still sin).
But if they turn their own way, they will experience the consequence of sin.
God isn’t punishing them, He’s letting them see what happens when they leave God.
The same is true for us, and all people; going our own way leads to misery and death.
God wants to bless us, but He cannot bless selfishness, injustice, greed, lust, hate.
Do we realize that our actions have consequences, that we will reap what we sow?
As Jesus follower, am I living the kind of life that God wants to bless?
Lord, forgive me when I live more like the tail than the head. Thank You for living the right way for me. Help me to aim for obedience, and to live a life that You love to bless.


  1. “Because you did not serve the Lord God joyfully and gladly in the time of prosperity” Deut 28: 47. Job was blessed, Israel was blessed when they served God. I am blessed – help me to bless others joyfully and gladly – that my prosperity blesses others! Forgive me Lord, any selfish desires that stand in the way!

  2. Do this and live. That is what the Master said. Once more I am reminded of the words of Joshua – As for me and my household, we will serve the living God. Lead me and guide me this day Lord to do just that – to live a life serving You.

    Living for Jesus, a life that is true,
    Striving to please Him in all that I do;
    Yielding allegiance, glad-hearted and free,
    This is the pathway of blessing for me.

    O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to Thee,
    For Thou, in Thy atonement, didst give Thyself for me;
    I own no other Master, my heart shall be Thy throne;
    My life I give, henceforth to live, O Christ, for Thee alone.

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