Jesus is greater than the Law!

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Deuteronomy.22-25

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Leave what remains for the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow.” (Deuteronomy 23:15)
Sometimes I read chapters I don’t know what to do with… like these chapters.
There are some laws that sound really good, showing concern for the underdog.
There are some laws that slightly make sense, and I can see their reason.
There are some laws that unsettle me, and probably don’t understand.
And there are some laws that make me cringe, and doubt they are God’s eternal will.
We know that Moses helped shape these laws (see Matthew 19:8 re. Deuteronomy 24:1).
God allows culturally and morally limited laws because of the hardness of our hearts.
But through the Law (with its many laws), God is moving people forward towards justice.
These laws are better than the neighbouring nations, a big step in the right direction.
Concern for fairness, for foreigners, widows and orphans is a good thing, a Jesus thing!
I see a hint of Jesus in 23:15, even if Jesus goes above and beyond the others laws.
He does not just leave the ‘remains’ for others, He gives Himself fully for everyone.
He deals with the hardness of our hearts on the cross, and gives us His Spirit.
Now, with His help, we move beyond the big step of the Law, and keep in step with Jesus!
Lord, help me to discern God’s heart through the Law of Moses, to see beyond the limited words to the unlimited grace that You have shown me, and call me to show others!


  1. Working for a large organization with a lot of staff, the policy manual becomes thicker all the time – and that always bugged me. Reading this section reminded me of that. Jesus’ way is a better way – sending his Spirit so that we may do what’s right. Sure there are laws – but its the motive and intent – a desire to love God and love my fellow humans – that is at the heart of it all. I just think of men and women forced into loveless marriages because of the consequence of bad behaviour and ‘just’ laws- what kind of relationship is that. It was more a testimony of what sin does – yet the couple suffers. I’ve known people because of traditions and ‘shotgun weddings’ are in a similar situation today. Still Moses’ laws were set up to set apart God’s people as Holy. Jesus makes us Holy – now we desire to do His will as we grow deeper in relationship to Him!

  2. Rules for life. Laws for keeping God’s people separate. Ultimately, the bottom line for these laws was to live in the presence of the Lord, doing His will, remembering all what the Lord God had done for His people.. I too need to remember each day anew that this is the Lord’s day and I am living in His presence. Others need to see Christ Jesus living in me by my words and deeds. Know God. Know life. Serve Him always. His will be done.

    Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children,
    God is love, God is love;
    Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children,
    God is love, God is love.
    Love Him, love Him, all ye little children,
    God is love, God is love;
    Love Him, love Him, all ye little children,
    God is love, God is love.
    Thank Him, thank Him, all ye little children,
    God is love, God is love;
    Thank Him, thank Him, all ye little children,
    God is love, God is love.

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