Just plain Norm is fine for me!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Not to be called ‘Rabbi’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers.” (Matthew 23:11)
I am not a fan of people giving me titles – pastor, reverent, or worst of all dominee.
This last one is from my dutch tradition (the root word relates to ‘dominate’, ‘lord’).
The argument given for such titles is respect, but I find them disrespectful.
(If we need to respect our roles, then be Reformed and respect all roles with titles).
Jesus plainly warns against using titles, for they go against who we really are.
I have a role, but my role isn’t to draw attention to myself with titles or privileges.
My role is like John the Baptist, “He must become greater; I must become less.” (John 3:30).
If it was good enough for Paul to be simply “Paul, servant of Jesus”, do I need more?
Sadly, church leaders have too often welcomed this ‘leader worship’.
Bowing to church leaders, giving them titles and privileges, kissing their rings.
And they welcomed these titles and honours, and dressed like worldly royalty.
“Those who exalt themselves will be humbled…” (Matthew 23:12)
Please don’t honour me with titles I do not need or want… please honour Jesus!
If I am not helping you respect Jesus more, then I’m not doing my job!
Lord, forgive me for the ways I draw attention away from You. Protect me from the ego boost when people recognize and respect me for my roles. You must become greater, I must become less!


  1. Lord I am reminded that your call for us was to constantly learn and grow toward you, whatever ministry we’re in. Help keep me lead with humility and live out what we have learned from You.

  2. Genuine humility – not the ‘fake’ kind: a show or pride in humility. I’m still uneasy when I am entrusted with more responsibility and authority – yet somehow the ‘honour’ that comes with it becomes addictive and sinful! It’s then that I kick myself and remind myself – it’s only by the grace of God – by God’s blessing that I am enabled and entrusted. I want to be a better servant or ‘slave’ for the Lord – help me Lord to keep any pride from spoiling and messing it up! Let me have the title of being a faithful servant of yours!!

  3. Matt 23:11 “The greatest among you will be your servant.” O Lord Jesus the words I like to hear from you when I meet you face to face in awe is “come my faithful servant”
    Make me a servant humble and true Lord. Holy Spirit empower me each day that in every way I am relating to others I will do as faithful servant of my Lord Jesus leading them to honour and love Jesus not me.

  4. Walk the talk. Word and deeds go together. Christ Jesus came as a servant leader. He came to serve. And as His follower, I must do the same. Serve. May others see Him in me.

    Make me a servant
    Humble and meek
    Lord let me lift up
    Those who are weak
    And may the prayer
    Of my heart always be
    Make me a servant
    Make me a servant
    Make me a servant today

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