Good citizens of the kingdom

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 22:15-22

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” (Matthew 22:21)
The religious leaders are setting Jesus up, baiting Him to defy Rome.
Jesus’s response avoids their trap, but what is Jesus actually saying?
The religious leaders implicate themselves with their opening words to Jesus.
They are not men of integrity, they do not teach the way of God with sincerity.
They are swayed by others because they pay attention to who they are!
How they treat Jesus shows that they honor themselves – and Caesar – above God.
As Jesus followers, our first loyalty should not be government or self but to Jesus.
Yet this does not mean rebellion against those who are in authority over us.
Jesus teaches respect for leaders, to treat them as humans with humility and grace.
We owe God and people love and respect – it is a permanent debt (Romans 13:8).
As good citizens, we submit to our leaders… unless they press us to sin.
If we must disobey, we do so with the same humility, respect and integrity as Jesus did!
This is the Jesus Way (Matthew 5:38-48), how we overcome evil with good (Romans 12:17-21).
Jesus followers are to be good citizens, with respect, humility and integrity (Matthew 22:16).
Lord, Your gracious Spirit reminds me that I owe respect and honor to everyone, whether I like them or not. Help me to be a good citizen of Your kingdom, but giving those around me what I owe them!


  1. Deception: I am easily deceived/compromised! Jesus saw through the hypocrisy and the conniving/manipulation. I need the HS’s guidance to keep on the right path – to be able to navigate through the deceptions that confront me – to knock me off balance. I need the discernment that he has – so that I may be faithful! That I may love all kinds – respect the leaders over us while keeping on the right path of Jesus.

  2. The ruler of the land had his image stamped on the coinage and he ruled the people where this coinage was used. Give to Caesar what belongs to him – submit and pray for the leaders of the land as long as it does not go contrary to the Word of the Lord. However I too have been stamped created in God’s image and therefore need to live my life serving Him for I belong to Him body and soul. I am His and He in mine. I need to give unto Him what is rightfully His.

    The Lord is mine and I am His,
    His banner over me is love.
    The Lord is mine and I am His,
    His banner over me is love.
    The Lord is mine and I am His,
    His banner over me is love.
    His banner over me is love!

    He brought me to His banqueting table,
    His banner over me is love.
    He brought me to His banqueting table,
    His banner over me is love.
    He brought me to His banqueting table,
    His banner over me is love.
    His banner over me is love!

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