dcla day 5

The last day of dcla.
We got an early start – 9am – for our last small groups and the last big session.
We talked about being, loving and serving – today was about serving.
Starfield led the worship session – it was loud and awesome, the floor was shaking.
You could sense the presence of God, and we didn’t want it to end.
After lunch, we practiced our drimes (drama + mime).
Then we broke into small groups to practice what we learned.
We were assigned a kingdom project, to expand God’s kingdom starting with a $5 bill (we could add more).
Each team had to somehow find a way to share God’s love and expand His kingdom.
You will have to wait until Sunday to hear the stories!!!!!!!
We came back for a home-made, family style supper of prima-vera-dcla-atinie – made by Jesse, Ralph with Sue advising along the way.
It was interesting.
We shared our God stories, enjoyed a soda float, then relaxed games, relaxing.
It is very hot here!
Tomorrow we are sleeping in!
See you on Thursday.

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