Sent by Jesus to show His concern!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Their cry for help because of their slavery went up to God.” (Exodus 2:23)
These chapters show how God steps in to help his oppressed children.
God protects the Israelites from being wiped out through genocide.
God protects Moses from death, and puts him in a position of influence.
God does not ignore the groaning and cries of help from victims of evil.
“During that long period… the Israelites groaned in their slavery…” (Exodus 2:23)
But why does He wait so long, allowing many people to suffer for a “long period”?
This story does not answer the why question, but it does say that God is working.
Somehow, somewhere, despite not seeing it, God is putting the pieces in place.
Jesus, not Moses, is the ultimate piece; He comes to rescue all the weary and burdened.
The bible does not promise ‘quick and easy’, but it does promise ‘sure and certain’.
Jesus sees all victims of sin and suffering, and is “concerned about them” (Exodus 2:25).
Somehow, some way, He is working to help the helpless, to relieve the burdened.
Jesus is our burning bush, calling us like Moses to go for Him, to bring His help.
As followers of Jesus, are we concerned for those who need help, are we stepping in?
Lord, we may cry out ‘why don’t you do something’, but You say the same thing to us. You have done something, and You are asking us to share it with others… will we?

One Comment

  1. Like the director of a play we see how God unfolds the plot – and how God placed the lead role in Moses – how God had to mold him to trust not his own strength but God’s. We see how God multiplied Israel – fed and nourished them but also prepared them to leave – made it oppressive so that they would want to leave – yet through the hardship God shaped them and blessed them. As I look back in my life – I see God the director doing the same thing – as he shaped and continues to shape me. It is all in His time!

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