Who is God helping through me?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“It was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.” (Genesis 45:5)
Joseph is now in a position to see God’s hand at work.
When he was in the cistern, or in prison, he would not likely have seen it.
They say that hindsight is 20/20 vision, but can we learn foresight as well?
To look ahead, to anticipate in our troubles that God is also at work.
What if God is setting you up to rescue someone else?
What if your current is God’s way of bringing someone else relief?
People you do not even know are somehow connected and affected by you!
God is sending you ahead, like He did Joseph, and Jesus, to bless others!
I cling to this hope that God is at work in all things, for good reasons.
I imagine that one day we will stand with all the people blessed through us.
Like Joseph we will discover that there WAS a plan, and it was good.
And I suspect that we will see it was worth it, and be glad that God used us!
Life in this world is not easy; but when it all comes together, it will be worth it!
Can I embrace this mission now, before I see it clearly… who can I bless today?
Lord, I cannot see right now all the people You are impacting through me. Help me to trust You when life gets hard, that somehow, somewhere You are helping others through my life.


  1. In many ways I am a Joseph – I may not know it – but as God used Joseph as a type of saviour for his chosen people – I may be used in much less dramatic but still important ways to impact others – even though I might not realize it or know it – I need to be faithful in my life and living to act, deal, talk, decide in ways that are keeping to the Spirit’s leading. Not seeking any credit – the credit belongs to God who I have the privilege of being an instrument of His peace!

  2. Living for Jesus each day in the good times and the bad, we do not know the impact has upon others. Our words and deeds must show we are Christians by our love. And though we do not know what impact our lives have upon others, I am always an instrument of His peace. God continues to use His people in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. As Joseph was Spirit guided through all of his life so may I too be directed by His Spirit to live for Him.
    because I am SpiritLed
    to be ArmStrong
    to do His will
    in my daily walk with God.

    Spirit of the Living God
    Fall fresh on me
    Spirit of the Living God
    Fall fresh on me
    Melt me mold me
    Fill me use me
    Spirit of the Living God
    Fall fresh on me

  3. Lord from the moment I gave my life to you, you’ve imprinted in me, “For I know the plans I have for you …” I am not seeing yet the full landscape of your plan but there are glimpses of it I see and it excites me. I trust you are faithful and will never let go of me.
    You blessed me to bless others. I ask for your wisdom that I may clearly see and do your priority in your kingdom work. Through, for, and with my Lord Jesus Christ.

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