His dream through me!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?” (Genesis 41:38)
Joseph the dreamer did not push himself or his dreams on others.
His rise to power is not through shrewd power plays or politicking.
He remained humble and faithful in the hands of God, and God took it from there.
Despite what he went through, he maintained the spirit of humility and integrity.
Even Pharoah sensed the spirit (character, power, wisdom) of God in Joseph.
I am challenged by these words, as I reflect on my own experience as a leader.
As a kingdom dreamer, I’ve been struggling to make the dreams come true.
But God is not calling me to make His dream come true.
My responsibility is to allow the Spirit of God to work in me, to change me.
We can’t force the dream on others, we need God to develop it in and through us.
As the Spirit develops kingdom fruit in me, others start to notice it.
My job is not to convict the sinful, change the world or restore God’s kingdom.
My job is to be the kind of person through whom the Lord can do these things.
To be “like this man, one in whom is the Spirit of God!”
Lord, I am slowly learning this lesson. May I be the kind of person You can use to build Your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.


  1. There was a song a long time ago about turn your radio on. The reading of today reminded me of that song. The radio waves are always there but I need to turn the radio on to receive.
    God is always there and I need to be open to receive where He is leading me through His Spirit. Joseph relied on his Master to be used as His instrument of peace. He was in tune with God.
    I must do the same.

    Spirit of the Living God
    Fall fresh on me
    Spirit of the Living God
    Fall fresh on me
    Melt me mold me
    Fill me use me
    Spirit of the Living God
    Fall fresh on me

  2. “A refining fire – purify my heart!” As readers we have the advantage of seeing God’s hand in the process – how he humbled Jacob’s family and Jacob – they experienced the hand of God – not realizing his mercy until they had to walk through grief and sorrow – each feeling guilt. So to, I can look back at incidences when God’s refining fire was working in me – and how He humbled me and reset me – to be humbled – trusting as Joseph did – honouring God before Pharaoh. And God blessed that trust – and used Joseph as a type of saviour for his people. And so too I am to be a blessing – because of God working through me!

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