It all comes down to this!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.” (Matthew 7:12)
At first glance, these words do not seem to fit with what precede them.
But Jesus is connecting how we are to behave with how God is.
Our relationship with God and with each other ought to reflect each other.
Love for God and love for people is a response to God’s love for us and all people.
“For this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 7:12)
To be loving and generous like God is how we show we are His children (Matthew 5:45).
God is not cruel to us when we are evil; He sends rain on the evil and the good.
He opens the door, He welcomes those who are seeking, including enemies.
We want to be loved, we were made to be loved… but so does everyone else.
We want mercy, we need mercy… but so does everyone else.
We want to be forgiven, we need to be forgiven… but so does everyone else.
God’s love, mercy and forgiveness expresses the heart of God’s law – LOVE.
This is how the world knows that people follow Jesus, because of their love.
I sometimes question if this is how the world sees and knows us as Christians.
Lord, show me the people in my life who do not experience Your love, mercy and forgiveness through me. Help me to change this!


  1. I am reminded here once again not to try to go it alone, but ask. He is always here with me but I need to talk/pray daily sharing my life with Him. Love Him for that is also the first command.
    And the second is like it, love my neighbour. Others needs to see Christ living in me. I need to be like ‘Christ’ unto them. As Jesus came to serve, so too, I need to serve my neighbours.

    Love, love, love, love
    The gospel in a word is love
    Love thy neighbor as thy brother
    Love, love, love

    VERSE 2

    Peace, peace, peace, peace
    The gospel in a word is peace
    Peace that passes understanding
    Peace, peace, peace

    VERSE 3

    Joy, joy, joy, joy
    The gospel in a word is peace
    Joy that fills to ever-flowing
    Joy, joy, joy

    VERSE 4

    Christ, Christ, Christ, Christ
    The gospel in a word is Christ
    Love Him, serve Him, and adore Him
    Christ, Christ, Christ

  2. Not everything that I may want is good for me- yet the ‘Father knows best’. He can turn what I ask or address it in a way that turns my request to something better. Wanting what is best – what is better should be my desire – that which lasts – that which has eternal significance. I do that by the way I impact others – it is the way of impacting God – loving God- through loving my neighbour – wanting what’s best. Lord forgive me for my selfishness at times!

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