Join me, don’t judge me!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye… the plank in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:3)
Everyone has their own issues, which clouds how they see others issues.
How can we judge others, when we ourselves are guilty in our own way.
Our tendency is to see others sins as bigger than ours.
Jesus describes the other persons issue as a ‘speck’; our issue is a ‘plank’.
This does not mean I am worse than others.
My ‘plank’ is only a ‘speck’ to someone else… and vice versa.
In other words, each one of us is responsible for our own sin and guilt.
When we judge others, we are actually exposing our own shame (Romans 2:1).
Jesus came to rescue and restore sinners, but my sin is my primary need and focus.
To not judge doesn’t mean to not be discerning of good, evil, right and wrong.
We need to discern what is sacred and precious, and what is for dogs and pigs.
But discernment is different from judgment; my focus ought to be on my stuff.
How can I judge you, I have more than enough to figure out in myself… and you do too.
Maybe instead of judging you, we can help each other work on our own planks.
Lord, only You have a right to judge. Help me to see that all of us have our own issues, and that You will help each one of us deal with our own planks.


  1. How often have I not found that my perspective was wrong – that I misjudged someone – profiled people. How do I appear – maybe look good on the outside but within I’m dealing with my own sin – my own issues and temptations – thoughts that I would be ashamed of if they ever came out in the open. So it must be for others as well – and so I am reminded as this passage reminds me – to not judge – give the benefit of doubt but at same time being careful not to be overly trusting (a confidence) when you simply don’t know. Again, from my perspective it is hard to know – therefore to judge – it is best to seek the HS’s help – and be led by the One who really knows the heart!

  2. How do I see me?
    How do others see me?
    How do I want others to see me?
    How does God see me?
    We are quick to look and see others through our own eyes and we look through a glass darkly. But with those same eyes we are slow to look to ourselves. Open my eyes Lord that we may see what Jesus sees for He alone sees through our sins and pride and all the other layers we use to hide our inner selves.

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Open the eyes of my heart
    I want to see You
    I want to see You

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