So much better than worry!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34)
For many years I found myself stressing about a host of problems.
I thought forewarned was forearmed, so I tried to anticipate every problem.
But all this was just my sophisticated way of worrying, without calling it worry.
Most of the problems I wasted time and energy solving NEVER HAPPENED.
I am finally reaching a place where I am accepting the reality of trouble.
Its not that I am giving in to it, but I am choosing not to let it stress me.
“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.” (Matthew 6:33)
Jesus urges us to focus on the good things of the kingdom, not on the problems.
In each situation, what is the kingdom (God-like, good, right, loving) thing to do?
Kingdom living brings our problems – when they arise – to the King.
Worry (focusing on problems) is wasted energy, and it doesn’t help!
Worship (focusing on Jesus) is positive energy, and it does help!
Worship doesn’t make problems go away, but neither does worry.
If I have to choose, I prefer worship; its so much better than worry!
Lord, lately I have been experiencing the blessing of resting in You, rather than dwelling on my fears or troubles. I long to do this more, and better. May Your peace guard my heart and my mind!


  1. Whenever I read this passage I am once again reminded that the Lord is in charge of every detail. I don’t need to worry about those details but just do the best I can and strive to be more Christ like.

  2. I tend to worry about many things yet realizing, many things I worry about never happened. Today’s reading reminded me of:
    Seek God – so I start each day seeking His presence with my devotions, for this is the Lord’s day.
    Pray/Talk with God and share all things upon Him. Cast all your cares upon Him.
    Trust that He will take care of me.
    I need to start the of this day seeking Him, talking to Him and trusting Him.

    When fear feels bigger than my faith
    And struggles steals my breath away
    When my back pressed up against the wall
    With the weight of my worries stacked up tall
    You’re strong enough to hold it all
    I will cast my cares on you
    You’re the anchor of my hope
    The only one who’s in control
    I will cast my cares on you
    I’ll trade the troubles of this world
    For your peace inside my soul

  3. I love this passage and reflect on it often telling myself not to get anxious, not to worry but often subconsciously my body reacts differently. When I look back I see how true it is – God saw me through even if it didn’t go 100% as I had hoped. The important thing I learned another lesson to trust in my faithful God!

  4. Lord Jesus food, clothing, and shelter are basic necessities of earthly life but these are but temporary compared to the eternal life we will spend with you. Forgive me when I worry so much about these temporal things.

    You are our Jehovah Jireh our Provider and so your command is “seek first the Father’s kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.”

    O Holy Spirit help me to seek the rule and leading of my Lord Jesus and the sovereign control of the heavenly Father in whatever I do and whereever I go. May my daily work be a worship to you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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