For You, Lord!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (Matthew 6:4)
Some people do good for good’s sake; some do it to look good.
Jesus is not saying every good deed needs to be hidden, unknown.
He is challenging the selfish motive that some people have in doing good.
God knows our heart, He knows whether we love for love’s sake, or for self-love.
If being seen by others is our only desire, that will be our only reward.
God’s smile is for those who love goodness, who love people, who love Him…
… regardless of what others see or say.
The greatest reward for the child of God is to sense the smile on God’s face.
As we sense His love and affirmation, we glow in His glow.
Why do I do the good things I do… I still sense mixed motives.
There’s an insecure part of me that wants to be seen and affirmed by others.
It is hard to fight these feelings, but I can try to shift my focus.
Maybe by repeating to myself, ‘for You, Lord, for You!’
And by thinking of those I am serving and saying, ‘for them Lord, for them!’
Lord, help me to do good whether people see it or know it or not. May I experience Your smiling affirmation, and find blessing in seeing others blessed.


  1. There was a time in my life when I would be prone to ‘show off’ – but it always got me in trouble. So I find it disgusting when prideful thoughts enter my mind – I thank God that he works to ‘clip me’ before it goes too far. Giving for me is a privilege and a way of saying thank you. Giving to needy especially when serving the needy in 3rd world countries is more of an exchange – they give so much back when we work with them. It is so disrespectful to take out the camera – make them objects in order to show ‘success’ to supporters. Giving and any other service I do must be to God first! Helping and loving my neighbour is also loving God.

  2. “Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” May I rather seek the recognition from you Lord of every good work I do than that from the beneficiaries. But this also warns me that I should avoid your disappointment and not sin in secret as well.

  3. Give.
    Giving is love in action.
    Giving is motivated by my love for God and not draw the attention/praise of people although at times I may seek that.
    I need to be a blessing as Christ Jesus has blessed me.
    Where my treasure is there my heart will be also.

    God forgave my sin in Jesus’ name.
    I’ve been born again in Jesus’ name
    And in Jesus’ name I come to you
    To share his love as he told me to.

    He said ‘Freely, freely you have received;, freely, freely give.
    Go in my name, and because you believe others will know that I live.

    All pow’r is giv’n in Jesus’ name
    in earth and heav’n in jesus name
    And in Jesus’ name I come to you
    To share his pow’r as he told me to.

    He said ‘Freely, freely you have received;, freely, freely give.
    Go in my name, and because you believe others will know that I live.

    God gives us life in Jesus’ name
    he lives in us in Jesus’ name
    And in Jesus’ name I come to you
    To share his peace as he told me to.

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