When God’s children reign!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“That you may be children of your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:45)
I am a child of God – created and restored by Jesus as God’s child.
To be God’s child is to be “in His own likeness, in His own image” (Genesis 1:26).
Jesus is “the image of God” (Colossians 1:15), a God-like child of God!
By His self-giving love we are restored, and in His love we are called to live.
To reflect His Love, compassion, kindness, self-sacrifice, humility, forgiveness.
To freely share God’s grace, as freely as God shares the rain on ALL people.
This is not something we can do in our own strength, we need His help.
Which is why the Spirit of love, joy, peace, etc. was given to us.
Like Adam and Eve, we are equipped with the Breath of God to live like Him. (Genesis 2:7)
Jesus is NOT telling us what we must do in order to be restored (‘saved’).
Jesus is showing what we will want to do BECAUSE we are restored as God’s children.
I want to be a child of God, to live and love “in His own likeness, in His own image!”
This does not come naturally, I am still very selfish… but I do want it.
The more we soak in His love and kindness, the more we will make others wet with it!
Lord, I was made to reign with You, to shower Your world with goodness, kindness and love. I can’t do this without Your help. As I soak in Your blessing, may I make others wet with it!


  1. There is more to the situation than my immediate, gut reaction. I may hate, seek to retaliate – but Jesus asks me to reflect and even to pray for those who torment me, misconstrue or misrepresent me. When I get defensive its seems I’m being self-righteous – being the judge – yet love says pray for my adversary. Yesterday I prayed for the persecuted – but forgot to pray for the persecutors. That’s an omission! We need to pray for the persecutors so that they too may be open to the truth. Help me to see the Jesus way daily – it is the way of being a ‘blessing’ to others!

  2. As a child of God, Jesus commands me to love my neighbour, no matter what. He commands me to be perfect, ie. complete in Christian character, just as He is perfect. Lord Jesus, help me to truly love my neighbour with a love that is like Yours. Help me to reflect Your character as one of your image-bearers.

  3. I have been assured I am a child of God the Fathet since that night in 1977 at a Bible Study on John 1:1-17 and in v 12… I received ad believed in Jesus Christ and He gave me the right and I became a child of God.
    But today I am rebuked by Matt 5:48, I cannot be perfect as my Father in heaven is. Thank you that Jesus has done it for me and with the help.of the Holy Spirit I desire that perfection embodied by Jesus. I desire to know more of Jesus and follow Jesus to live with Jesus in Jesus and for Jesus. Holy Spirit strengthen me and guide me today and everyday.

  4. Love.
    Love God. Love man.
    And as far as it depends upon me, live at peace with all mankind. Love in action.
    This is a possibility when I am SpiritLed, Spirit filled. Being an instrument of His peace.
    Lead me and guide me and empower me each day anew Oh Lord.

    Love, love, love, love
    The gospel in a word is love
    Love thy neighbor as thy brother
    Love, love, love

    VERSE 2

    Peace, peace, peace, peace
    The gospel in a word is peace
    Peace that passes understanding
    Peace, peace, peace

    VERSE 3

    Joy, joy, joy, joy
    The gospel in a word is peace
    Joy that fills to ever-flowing
    Joy, joy, joy

    VERSE 4

    Christ, Christ, Christ, Christ
    The gospel in a word is Christ
    Love Him, serve Him, and adore Him
    Christ, Christ, Christ

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