Finding strength in the Lord

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“In peace I lie down and sleep, for you alone make me dwell in safety.” (Psalm 4:8)
In vv.1,6-7 David is wrestling with God, honestly sharing his struggle.
In vv.2-5 he is challenging his tormentors, boldly sharing his faith.
Personally he is wrestling, but publicly he is standing firm.
This reminds me of my own journaling, how I personally wrestle with God.
I write out my fears, doubts, questions, struggles, confusion, complaints, etc.
But this time alone with God becomes my source of strength when I face life’s battles.
I am much stronger through the day because I took my honest struggles to the Lord.
I’m not a mighty soldier of faith, but I’m much stronger than I otherwise would be.
And at the end of the day, through all my battles, “I lie down and sleep.”
Though my tormentors remain and my struggles continue, I rest in the Lord.
God is showing me how my hope is not in my strength or skill or careful planning.
He “makes me dwell in safety” (v.8) “in the presence of my enemies” (Psalm 23:5)
Like David, I find strength by talking with the Lord through prayer and journaling.
How do you find strength and peace in the Lord for your daily struggles?
Lord, while You lived on earth, You also wrestled with God in prayer, and found strength for Your daily battles. Thank You for giving me this blessing as well.


  1. Its in times of anxiety and in times of discouragement that I feel like the Psalmist – and I cling to God trusting that He will work it out – and He has always been faithful. During the day, when it gets real bad – I need to step aside – take a time out and connect in prayer – acknowledging my despair and anxiety – and He strengthens me. It’s in better times that I communicate less with my Lord! My best rest is when I lie down in peace knowing that my loving Heavenly Father cares for me!

  2. “… when you are on your bed, search your heart and be silent.” Psalm 4:4
    This phrase reminded me of the Daily Examen, a practice I don’t always do, but one that would be beneficial.
    Lord Jesus, help me to pause at the end of the day to review what has happened: the good & the bad, and help me learn from it so that I can move into the following day with more of your grace, wisdom & discernment.

  3. Lord Jesus I am struggling and fighting the battle within me. Just like Paul I say, “what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” Thank you Jesus that you won the battle for me on the cross. Today, you are reminding to call to you for you listen; to search my heart and be silent; and to trust in you. Couple of weeks ago someone banged at my door past midnight and I confess Lord it shaked me and troubled me but thank you for this promise in Psalm 4:8 that I can lie down and sleep in peace every night for you alone O Lord make me dwell in safety.

  4. Talking with God.
    Sharing all with Him – joys and sorrows.
    The joy of the Lord God is my strength
    and He continues to guide and guard and strengthen me
    each day
    as continue my journey of joy
    in His SonShine.

    When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
    What a glory He sheds on our way!
    While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
    And with all who will trust and obey.

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