Jesus is my law!

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.” (Matthew 5:18)
Jesus is talking about “the Law and the Prophets” (5:17), or “the Law” for short.
He is not just talking about the Ten Commandments, but every letter of revelation.
This revelation (also known as “the scriptures”) was inspired by God for a purpose.
Jesus says every letter will remain in effect until its purpose is accomplished.
Paul says the same thing (Galatians 3:19-25): the Law had a purpose which Jesus fulfilled.
The purpose of the Law is to lead us to Jesus (John 5:39), to trust in Him.
In Jesus everything HAS been accomplished, we are now under a new covenant!
The old covenant is obsolete (Hebrews 8:13), but it is still useful (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
I do not read the Ten Commandments every week as was custom in my tradition.
We can use any scripture, since “the smallest letter” is God-breathed and useful.
I am not under scripture (or the Law and Prophets); I am under Jesus, He is my law!
The Spirit of Jesus uses scripture to help me know and follow Jesus (Luke 24:27,32).
Do you spend time with Jesus in scripture, allowing Him to draw you to Himself?
Lord, help me to discern what I can learn from the Law and the Prophets, without becoming a slave to the Law. You are my Law and Your Spirit helps me to learn and to live what that means.


  1. Jesus sets the bar high and I know I fail to achieve that standard – my thoughts and desires often betray me and tempt me – but none-the-less – Jesus was there when the law was given to Moses. Yet as law giver and law fulfill-er Jesus meets the standard – and knew how to apply the law justly and lovingly. That gives me comfort as I find not only grace but also forgiveness in him – the author and perfecter of my faith!

  2. In the eyes of the Pharisees, Jesus frequently disobeyed the law. They lived by the letter of the law. But Jesus lived by the spirit of the law – the law of God. The greatest and the foundation of all laws are the summary of the laws – Love God. Love man. Love needs to be first..
    I too can become legalistic like the Pharisees but I need to focus on the love of Christ to lead e and guide me striving to share that love as I live for Jesus. Help me to love more fully with judgement being an instrument of your peace.

    Love, love, love, love
    The gospel in a word is love
    Love thy neighbor as thy brother
    Love, love, love

    VERSE 2

    Peace, peace, peace, peace
    The gospel in a word is peace
    Peace that passes understanding
    Peace, peace, peace

    VERSE 3

    Joy, joy, joy, joy
    The gospel in a word is peace
    Joy that fills to ever-flowing
    Joy, joy, joy

    VERSE 4

    Christ, Christ, Christ, Christ
    The gospel in a word is Christ
    Love Him, serve Him, and adore Him
    Christ, Christ, Christ

  3. Thank you Jesus that You are My Righteosness and surpasses that of the Pharisees and teachers of the law. I could not do it by myself. I keep falling short. But now, I am certain of entering the kingdom of heaven because you have satisfied the law for my behalf. I am your servant purchased by your blood. Holy Spirit My Counselor help and guide me to live as faithful servant and drawn closer to Jesus.

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