Feb 23 — 2 Corinthians 2:12-3:18

SCRIPTURE: 2 Corinthians 2:12-3:18

Paul is still defending his work to the Corinthians, but showing that the real power and glory is in the message, not in the messenger (himself).
Paul admits that he is nothing (3:5), that the proof is in the life-change that comes as a result of the Holy Spirit at work within each person.
Paul contrasts the old covenant (“tablets of stone” given through Moses at Mt Sinai, Exodus 31:18) with the new covenant , established through Jesus death and resurrection. The old covenant was one of words, pointing out our sin and commanding us to obey, while the new covenant is one of power, changing our sinful hearts and making us more and more like Jesus (“written on tablets of human hearts”).
What the Jews fail to see (because a veil covers their hearts) is that the old covenant was temporary, fading, useful for a time to prepare hearts for the coming Messiah. Moses covered his fave with a veil because the Israelites were scared of how he glowed after being with God (Exodus 34:33-35).
In summary, the real glory and power of Paul’s message is in how Jesus changes people from the inside out by the Spirit, making us more and more like Jesus.

How much of my message is tied to me, to my abilities or lack thereof, to what I do or fail to do?
Am I being changed from the inside out, is the Holy Spirit transforming me, and am I allowing Him to change me?
Many Christians still live under the old covenant (a matter of words, not life-change), am I one of them?
A person who is surrendered to the Lord will be an aroma of life to those who believe, their lives will be a letter from God showing others the remarkable life-change that God can accomplish.
If so many Christians do not evidence remarkable life-change, what does that say?

Lord, for so long I have experienced Your message as simply words, but now I see that it needs to be about dramatic life-change, made possible only by surrendering to Your Spirit, Your will, Your purpose. Forgive me for resisting You, and fill me, please, that I may be changed! Amen.

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