THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 11:12-19
“May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” (Mark 11:14)
Jesus is not being ornery just because He is hungry.
This story fits with what Jesus is about to do in the temple.
A barren fig tree was a very symbolic for Jews, a sign of God’s judgment.
“I will ruin her vines and her fig trees…” (Hosea 2:11-13).
Jesus uses the fig tree to show how God holds us accountable for our barren lives.
God created us for love and good works, but so many humans produce bad fruit.
Good fruit is always in season for us, and yet we produce hate, greed, lust, cruelty.
We twist and pervert our world, even religious activities, for selfish purposes.
Like the religious leaders turning the temple into a ‘den of robbers’.
God is patient for a time, but one day He will hold people accountable.
What strikes me here is that it is the religious people God is most angry with.
What does this say about Christians and churches today?
As Jesus followers, we are not just receivers of salvation, but of the Spirit.
And the fruit of that Spirit in us is love, joy, peace, etc. (Galatians 5:22-23)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You desire love and good works from us. That is why You have put me here in this time and place. Help me to see this as my full-time calling.