THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 8:31-33
“He rebuked Peter. ‘Get behind me, Satan!’” (Mark 8:33)
God has a purpose for my life and gives me what I need to fulfill that purpose.
Satan will use whatever – even people close to you – to hinder God’s purpose.
Peter was not intentionally speaking for Satan.
But he was not discerning his thoughts, to see whether they were good.
Satan constantly whispers half truths and feel rights into our minds.
And we give voice to them, use them as excuses or challenges or accusations.
Jesus fights this battle Himself, resisting Satan’s whispers in His own mind.
When someone He loves becomes a voice of deception, He has to silence it.
I am hesitant to say these exact words to someone, its a hard pill to swallow.
But we do need to realize that Satan does speak through others… and through us.
We need to be on guard, discerning the spirits, taking our thoughts captive to Christ.
This is not easy, because the Deceiver is a master at disguise.
But as long as we do NOT resist his lies, we are vulnerable to them.
Where is Satan using someone to whisper doubts, excuses or fears into Your mind?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, sometimes Satan whispers through others, but often he whispers through my own thoughts and words. Hep me to pay attention, and not make it too easy for Satan to mislead me.
God’s way.
Ever shared your dreams or ambitions of what you desire to do with your life to family members? And their response was . . . you are crazy or what are you thinking, or they desire to block your endeavorus, the bridge you want to cross.
Using God’s gifts in His Kingdom service, following His calling is the Master’s plan for all. We are not our own but belong to Him and Him we must serve. We all need to listen to the Voice which says, this is the way. Walk in it.
All too often on practical terms parents have dreams for their children and yet those dreams may not be the desires of their children or the proper use of God’s gift for them. We all need to walk with God and have His concerns foremost and not our earthly desires.
Have Thine own way Lord
Have Thine own way
Thou art the potter I am the clay
Mold me and make me after Thy will
While I am waiting yielded and still