Thirsty for more of Jesus!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 2:18-22
“And no one pours new wine into old wineskins.” (Mark 2:22)
Why do I not try to fit my life into the Law of Moses?
Because as helpful as it was in its time, we are no longer under that Law.
The primary purpose of the Law of Moses was to prepare the way for Jesus.
For me Jesus is both the new wine and the new wineskin.
He is a fresh taste of new life, and a new place for us to be stored.
We find forgiveness, freedom, and new life in Him, and He makes us new.
But I am also the new wineskin, filled with the new wine of the Spirit!
Those who rely on the Law for life (trying to keep it) are not relying on the Spirit.
Don’t get me wrong, I still read from the Jewish bible, but I do not live by it.
I look for ways that it directs me to what Jesus did, or what Jesus said.
It reminds me of how Jesus saves me, and helps me by His Spirit.
My constant encouragement is for people to drink in the stories about Jesus.
The more we imbibe His life and teaching, the more we reflect God’s heart and will.
Drink in more of Jesus, and His Spirit will fill you with something new and better!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You are my rule and guide for life. As I read about You in the bible, Your Spirit is slowly (because I am such a slow learner) making me better, like new wine.

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