Am I looking in the right places?

“I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from?” (Psalm 121:1)
The challenge for me today is to answer this question honestly.
Where, or to whom, do I look for help when I am struggling?
When things get hard, who (or what) do I naturally turn to make things better?
Honestly, my natural ‘go to’ is myself and my own planning and effort.
In the time of this psalm, the mountains were the high places.
High places were where the gods of the land had shrines.
High places were also where armies gathered to strengthen their position.
Whatever I turn to for strength or help is my ‘god’.
This psalm is reminding me that I cannot save myself.
Better to look to the one who make me, and everything else.
The true God over then high and low places is the Creator God.
This God made me, and therefore cares for me, watches over me, keeps me.
There is no thing that can defeat me, and no thing that can save me… not even me.
As I go into my day, as I face a challenge, where will I lift my eyes for help?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, there are a few big things that I am struggling with. I admit it, I cannot deal with them myself. I need You. I am looking to You. I am trusting You to help me through this!

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