Witness to grace!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Acts 22:6-21
“You will be his witness to all people of what you have seen and heard.” (Acts 22:15)
My experience of Jesus is changing me, and I am not afraid to admit it.
In fact, I want others to know that they can experience this life change also.
Jesus doesn’t make me better than others; He humbles me and shows me my weakness.
I am a struggling sinner in need of Jesus’s help, just like everyone else.
Every day I sense Jesus helping me, gently rebuking, guiding and strengthening me.
And always loving me, renewing forgiveness and His commitment to help me grow.
It is not church or religion that I want to witness to, it is Jesus.
Like Paul, I am sent to people to show them Who Jesus is, what Jesus does.
For the Jews, the Gentiles were looked down on, unworthy, beyond God’s grace.
Jesus sends Paul to people like this, so that they too can know His grace and love.
Do people see and hear Jesus’ life-transforming grace and humility through me?
Or do they feel condemned, judged, looked down on, unloved, unworthy.
Our world needs more of Jesus, not more of religion.
May my life be a witness to the amazing mercy and grace of Jesus!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I am a sinner like everyone else, and yet You love me. You do not give up on me. May my life be an example of Your amazing grace, so that everyone can be blessed through knowing You.

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