loving, obeying, experiencing God

SCRIPTURE: Deuteronomy 4
“Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.” [John 14:21] Even though the message of Jesus is grace, He does not stop talking about obedience. Obedience is not what we need to do in order to be loved but because we are loved. Doing what God wants, living as God intended, loving as God loved – this is the evidence of a person’s response of love. We love because He first loved us [1 John 4:19].

Moses stresses how God has loved and blessed Israel. He urges them not to forget God’s amazing love. He reminds them that love for the God that loves them is best expressed by obeying His commands. Jesus brings the same message. Though the specifics of Moses’ Law no longer apply, the moral law does. Jesus modeled love for God and love for people. The qualities of humility, patience, self-denial, sexual purity, faithfulness, justice, truth, etc. remain as laws to be obeyed. This is the life that we were created for; this is the life that we were saved for; this is the life that eternity will be made of.

God came to Israel in a unique, amazing way. He was present with them, He spoke with them in a way no other nation could claim. Moses stresses that this will continue, if they remain in Him and His will. He will continue to love them and show Himself to them. Jesus has the same message. God has revealed Himself to the world in a unique, amazing way – in Jesus. He walks with us, talks with us, a living manifestation of God’s presence and power among us. If we remain in Him, and walk in His will, then we will continue to experience God’s love, and He will continue to show Himself to us.

This message needs to be repeated again and again. God loves us, He is with us, He will bless us. Therefore, put Him first. With His help, strive to show our love by living according to His will. When we do, He reveals His love even more, and we experience Him even more.

Do we realize that how we live, how we treat others, how we respond to life and challenges, communicates our attitude to God? What is the message that my actions and reactions give the Lord? Can He tell that I love Him by how I live? Do I do what I do because I want to honour Him? If I want to experience the ongoing presence and power of God in my life, I have to live in such a way to help that happen.

Lord, may my life please You today. May my actions and reactions be how You would have them be. I choose to obey You. Show Yourself to me!

One Comment

  1. ‘Acknowledge and take to heart this day that the LORD is God in heaven above and on the earth below. There is no other. 40 Keep his decrees and commands, which I am giving you today, so that it may go well with you and your children after you and that you may live long in the land the LORD your God gives you for all time.’

    This verse stood out for me in today’s reading. How do I acknowledge the Lord today and live according to His Word? Do this and live is what the Lord told His people then and is still telling me this day. Search for me and you will find me because I have been a faithful God. Remember how I took care of you? Nations around will hear of My great acts of faithfulness. Do you see Me in the life you are living. I am with you always but do you have the eyes that see and the ears that hear?

    As God has been faithful to me so I too need to live out of that faithfulness each and every day – sharing His goodness, His love, His kindness to all those around me. I must live out His love today in my obedience to His Word living in His presence.

    O Master, let me walk with Thee,
    In lowly paths of service free;
    Tell me Thy secret; help me bear
    The strain of toil, the fret of care.

    Help me the slow of heart to move
    By some clear, winning word of love;
    Teach me the wayward feet to stay,
    And guide them in the homeward way.

    Teach me Thy patience; still with Thee
    In closer, dearer, company,
    In work that keeps faith sweet and strong,
    In trust that triumphs over wrong.

    In hope that sends a shining ray
    Far down the future’s broadening way,
    In peace that only Thou canst give,
    With Thee, O Master, let me live.

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