More noble character

THE STORY OF JESUS: Acts 17:10-15
“They examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” (Acts 17:11)
The noble Berean Jews were open and eager, not hostile to the message of Jesus.
They didn’t swallow it whole, but dug deep into the scriptures to confirm it.
This is how the Bereans “more noble”, they were not close-minded to Paul.
As followers of Jesus, we can learn from the nobility of the Bereans.
To not be close-minded, but neither to simply accept everything new as true.
We take every thought captive to Christ, we evaluate every teaching through Jesus.
There are many many competing truth claims, and we need to be discerning.
We process what we hear with Jesus, and compare it to what He said and did.
It still will not be easy, there will still be many differences of opinion.
Sadly many christians have responded to new ideas like the Thessalonians.
Close-minded, angry, harsh, with slander and malicious words and actions.
I’m not saying we cannot disagree, or express what we believe to be true.
But we speak the truth in love and are gracious to those we disagree with.
We are open to what Jesus can teach us, even in our differences.
This is how I understand what it means to be “of more noble character.”
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, there are many different ideas claiming to be from You. The debates of our day can get nasty. Help me to remain noble, even as I listen for Your truth in all the truth claims around me.

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