Drink it in by faith!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Acts 15:1-11
“He purified their hearts by faith.” (Acts 15:9)
Is faith the reason we are forgiven and set free from sin (purified)?
Faith is the way we receive God’s grace, it is not the cause of grace.
If I receive an amazing gift by hand, it is not my hand that gifted me.
If I receive refreshing water by mouth, my mouth is not what refreshes me.
Grace is all around us, we are immersed (baptized) in it.
God embraces us, like the father embraces his wayward son.
God’s favour and kindness is not something we have to fight for.
I already have it… but have I embraced it?
Peter says that for Gentiles and Jews, all we have to do is accept grace.
With open hands accept it, with open mouth drink it in.
No rituals to perform, no rules to fulfill before it is enacted.
No proving to God we deserve it, for He has already decided we are.
God has already accepted you… will you accept His acceptance?
God is already pouring His love on you… will you drink it in?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, so many of us are immersed in Your love and forgiveness, yet live as if we don’t have it. May I feel Your grace today, so that I may drink it in, and take hold of it by faith.

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