A church where this happens!

THE STORY OF JESUS: 1 Thessalonians 4-5
“Encourage one another and build each other up.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
The ‘normal’ way of life in this world is immoral, selfish, godless living.
As a Jesus follower, I am committed to living ‘abnormally’, like Jesus, like God.
Living the Jesus-life ought to make us stand out, to feel out of place.
This can be discouraging and cause some to wonder if their hopes are real or worth it.
Paul reminds us to stay the course, keep living like Jesus in this dark world.
One day, it will all come together; Jesus will establish the new normal – God’s way.
He will gather us together, and we will be with Him forever (4:17)
Until then stay strong, don’t let persecution or hardship or death throw you off.
Don’t focus on the times and dates, focus on living with courage and holiness.
“Encourage one another and build each other up,” find strength together.
‘Church’ is intended to be a mutual support team, to keep each other strong.
I know I need this kind of support, people to remind me that I am not nuts.
If your ‘church’ is not this kind of team, then it’s not what Jesus had in mind.
Is your fellowship of Jesus followers a place where you are encouraged and built up?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, too often ‘church’ becomes another place of distraction and discouragement. In light of all the struggles we face, may we become a place where people are encouraged and built up in our faith, hope and love!

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