Living with the hope of life!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Acts 13:32-41
“God raised him from the dead so that he will never be subject to decay.” (Acts 13:34)
‘Change and decay in all around I see’ (from the hymn, Abide With Me).
This is why Paul sees the resurrection of Jesus as the good news.
Humanity, and all creation, is under the curse of ‘change and decay’.
Even in the womb the process of decay and death is at work in us.
It is our disconnect with God that results in our doom.
And creation itself is groaning under our curse, also subject to decay.
Tragedies, disasters and atrocities plague us, and our world.
Though Jesus is subject to all of these, He does not sin.
And His goodness triumphs over Satan, sin and the curse of decay and death.
Because He does not sin, death has no hold on Him, and He breaks free.
Because of Jesus, humanity can break free from the curse of sin and death.
Because Jesus is alive, and is not subject to decay, we can be too.
Believe it or not, we are released, forgiven, set free… if we receive it!?
Are you choosing to live in the hope of life, or are you under the curse of death?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, Your resurrection gives me hope that no matter how bad things get, the hope of life still stands. I choose to live in this hope of life!

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