Call to worship… all the time!

“His splendor is above the earth and the heavens.” (Psalm 148:13)
This psalm reminds me of Genesis 1, where we find the original ‘order of worship’.
Behind and before everything that exists – above, below, and all around – is God.
Every part of creation is made ‘very good’, to reflect back God’s glory.
Everything is charged (energized) with the grandeur of God (Hopkins).
It seems to me that we have reduced worship to a specific time and activity.
Worship is what we do on Sundays when we gather, usually through music and song.
But the universe is a concert of praise, and constant worship service.
And yet we often miss it, we do not recognize His presence and power.
Worse, we ‘sear’ and ‘blear’ and ‘smear’ it away (Hopkins).
It seems to me that I can’t worship on Sunday if I don’t worship Monday through Saturday.
How can I express the greatness and goodness of God, if I am not experiencing it?
How can I respond to the majesty and mercy of God, if I am not recognizing it?
Every day of my life I can join the concert of praise, the daily worship service.
Will I answer this call to worship with my whole heart and my whole life?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, when I become aware of You in the moment, I can feel the pulse of Your presence, and my heart stirs with praise. Help me to experience this more often!

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