When shame is good?

“May all who hate Zion be turned back in shame.” (Psalm 129:5)
For the Jews, the hill called Zion symbolized all God’s promises.
Not only their capitol, it was the city of David their king.
And the location of their temple, where God lived with them.
To hate Zion is to hate God, and to hate all that God represents.
This was no doubt nationalistic pride for the people of Israel.
But how do we read this verse as Jesus followers?
Jesus is our Zion, Who symbolizes all God’s promises for the world.
He is the true heir of David, and the ruler of the world.
He does not represent a worldly kingdom, but the kingdom of God.
God’s kingdom signifies all that is good and right, for all people.
Some things we shouldn’t be ashamed of, but other things we should.
The purpose of shame is to shake and wake us up, to come to our senses.
I don’t wish shame on anyone, but shame may be necessary.
After all, shouldn’t someone who hates goodness be ashamed?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, its hard to imagine people opposed to Your goodness and grace. But You faced them too. Some of them were ashamed, and repented. May many more be ashamed, and repent.

One Comment

  1. ‘ but they have not gained the victory over me.’
    I am His and He is mine and His banner over me is love.
    As I continue to live for Jesus, He will continue to be my Guide
    and the ‘cords of the wicked’ will be cut eventually
    but in the meantime He empower His children with His Spirit
    to overcome
    to be more than conquerors
    in His name.

    Jesus is the rock of my salvation,
    His banner over me is love.
    Jesus is the rock of my salvation,
    His banner over me is love.
    Jesus is the rock of my salvation,
    His banner over me is love.
    His banner over me is love!

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